
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween, Yall!

Happy Halloween, from the Raine's!  Caden has dressed in his cotume almost five times already, but he was cuter today in that Lil' Bat outfit than any other day before!  We hopped down the street and enjoyed our neighborhood block party.  Then, we hit up some homes for some Trick or Treating!  We talked with so many neighbors, like the old folks two houses down.  The husband and wife have been married for 62 years, and they sit out each year and pass out candy.  I can see Travis and I doing that same thing one of these days.....

We celebrated Halloween with a party on Saturday.  Our home was filled with friends and family, and LOTS of babies and kids!  The weather was even chilly, which was nice to bring in the Fall Season!  Travis made a KILLER gumbo, and we ate like Kings and Queens!  We carved pumpkins Saturday morning as a family.  Caden loved playing with the gooey pumpkin guts and sampling pumpkin pieces. 

One of my favorite Halloween things

Mr. Silly Face

Carving Pumpkins with Mama and Daddy

Little Shark Teeth

Friends Melissa, Kamryn and Riley

Good Food

Kori and Caden

Post-Cupcake Bath

A Little Help from some Friends

All Dressed Up

Full Day's Worth of Trick or Treating

Happy Halloween, Yall!


Jlynn30 said...

What a cute bat!!! It looks like you guys had a GREAT halloween!

Dani Raine said...

Thanks, girl!